February 19, 2010

Decline in National Workers’ Compensation Claims

Decline in National Workers’ Compensation Claims
by Alissa C. Atkins, Esq.

NCCI recently released a report entitled “Updated Analysis of Frequency and Severity of Claims Across the Country Valued as of 12/31/2008,” posted at www.NCCI.com. The report is part of an annual update of data collected by NCCI on a national basis determining the frequency and severity of workers’ compensation claims. The analysis found that the frequency of workers’ compensation claims declined 3.4% for the accident year of 2008. However, indemnity severity for the same period increased by 5.8%.

In Georgia, 814 workers’ compensation claims were made per 100,000 workers in 2008, which was an increase of 1.6% over the past year. The numbers for 2005-2007 all reflected a drop in frequency of claims. Costs of indemnity claims increased from an average of $27,426.00 in 2004 to $37,052.00 in 2008, a relatively significant increase, whereas the value of medical benefits also increased, but not as significantly, from an average of $24,245.00 to $29,155.00 over the same time period.

If you have any comments or questions, please call your David & Rosetti attorney at (404) 446-4488 or by visiting our website at www.davidandrosetti.com

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